Jessica Wilkerson, LMFT 104464

Jessica’s rate is $225 per session.

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to access her specific online request form.

“I believe that we were created on purpose, for a purpose and that the Lord instructed us to seek wise counsel. I believe that therapy is a way to find that wise counsel from someone unbiased in your life and who can look at patterns, people, and choices from a perspective you don’t get on a regular basis from the people in your life.

I further believe it was God’s calling on my life to help His people – and His people are ALL PEOPLE, not just the Christians.

He happened to make me passionate about and good at helping people in one hour increments, one-on-one, and he made me smart enough to get through grad school and all these dang advanced trainings post-grad that I’m constantly attending. :)”

​- Jessica Wilkerson, LMFT

Now with openings for NEW clients!

Online Sessions

Jessica is Inspired Life Counseling’s owner and clinical supervisor. She is fully trained in EMDR for trauma, hypnosis, and EFT (Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy).

​Hello! It’s a big step to start looking up therapists, and I’m honored to potentially get to work together. I am constantly finding a new niche and specialty so I can continue to grow as a therapist and provide deeper and more well-rounded healing experiences for my clients. My clients regularly take a week off from sessions as I’m jetting across the country to learn a new modality or the latest discoveries in our field.

Here’s a little about where I’ve been professionally so you can determine if we’d be a good fit. “Fit” is just as important as skill and intellect.

In the early days of my career I specialized in early childhood behaviors and parenting. I was trained through the University of Queensland (remotely, in Redding, I didn’t travel to Australia) in the modality called Triple P or The Positive Parenting Program. I worked only with families in their homes for three years and was able to help initiate some really amazing changes for children and parents. I use these experiences and the training now when I’m in sessions with individuals and couples – usually there’s something happening at home and I can help them work through those issues with my parenting training.

Then, in 2014 I was trained through an EMDRIA approved trainer for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). I’ve been providing several sessions a day, most days of the week ever since. I knew this was effective, but I had no idea how incredibly powerful EMDR would be for my clients! It’s so effective on big traumas, but it’s equally as beautiful on current daily stressors like marriage conflict, work drama, and issues with your kids. EMDR is a game-changer for most people who try it (not everyone, but a good percentage).

More recently, in 2019 I began my journey with ICEEFT learning and implementing EFT & EFIT. Emotionally Focused Therapy is often known by people who have read the book “Hold Me Tight” by Sue Johnson. It’s an attachment-based model in which each member of the relationship heals wounds from before and during their time together through trust, communication, and taking big risks with vulnerability. There’s a lot of crying in these sessions, but most people feel safer to cry with their therapist present as a buffer than they do at home when it’s just the two of them, so it’s to be expected.

EFIT is the newest branch of Emotionally Focused Therapy in which I use many of the same tenets as EFT, but it’s one-on-one between my client and me rather than in a couples setting. My client processes their pain through experiential exercises in which they go within themselves to their implicit pain and memories, and bring that pain forward into the present moment becoming explicit in the room and opened up for healing.

I genuinely embody the phrase: “human first, therapist second.” You get me as me, but you also get all the years I’ve thrown myself passionately into the field of psychotherapy. Casual dress and speech, but with my mind always whirring in the background to help you move through what brought you into my room in the first place.

On a personal note:

I love my little blended family! I have an adult son who attends Cal Maritime Academy studying international business and logistics (he’s a smartie!) and two little ones who are still single digit ages. My hobbies are trying to squeeze in naps, constantly keeping up on housework, and taking my family on little adventures in the North State.

We keep thinking we’re done camping and we’ll become hotel or cabin people, but then every summer we whip out the ol’ tent that’s obtrusively too large and spend a week at the coast or Lake Siskiyou. I feel pretty lucky to help people sort through what’s heavy on their hearts during the day and then go home to my husband and kids.

​It wasn’t always this way! that’s why I have the blended family and second round of parenting.

​I truly understand heartache, stress, hope and healing. I have a unique perspective from working in the corporate arena with a business degree as a single parent over to juggling owning my own business while navigating marriage and children. I bring those perspectives with me while helping to understand what my client has been experiencing and what’s holding them back.

The easiest way to set an appointment with me is calling the general office line or filling out the form below- I’m hard to reach for that first appointment because I take so much time with my existing clients. It’s a flaw I have that’s not great for business, but bare with me, because when you are my client you truly have my full focus and first priority.

(530) 809-1702

Jessica's Online Appointment Request Form

* Indicates required field

Please tell us a little bit about what’s happening and what you’re looking for in meeting with Jessica.

Jessica provides EMDR and couples therapy online in addition to traditional talk therapy. She’s always in her professional office while you can be anywhere in California (your car, the beach, your office, bedroom, etc).